Old Fire Station, Windemere

Contract Date: 2019

Building / Structure / Area: Old Fire Station

Specifier / Designer/ Architect / Engineer: John Coward Architects

Main Contractor: Pinington

Main Products / Systems used: Sika 1

Project Summary: As part of the refurbishment of the historic Old Fire Station, which is a listed building within the Unesco Lake District World Heritage site, there was a requirement to refurbish the existing model boating pond adjacent to the new museum of boats, steam, and stories. The existing concrete structure was showing signs of distress in the form of cracking, concrete deterioration, and severe water loss. In order to deal with these issues, CTL chased out all existing cracks, structurally stitched them using helical bar restraint systems, Sika Combiflex jointing systems rebated into the existing concrete slab. Finally, the whole area was made water tight using a Sika 1 render and screed.